You have the right to cancel your order within 14 days after your purchase. From the day we receive your cancellation you have 14 days to return the product. We’ll refund your order as soon as we have received the package at our warehouse. It usually takes around 1-7 business days for the payment to be visible on your account.
Furthermore, you are covered with a two year guarantee for faulty goods. This covers goods that are defective according to current consumer legislation.
If you wish to claim an error on an ordered product, please contact us at as soon as possible after you have discovered the damaged product(s).
The package you are returning must be unopened and appear unused. If the returned item(s) do not appear unopened and unused we reserve the right to reduce the refund.
You must pay for the shipping cost on the returned package. If a mistake happened from our side, we’ll, of course, cover the shipping cost. Always send a picture of the postal receipt for verification and proof that the package has been returned to us.